School Nurses & Counsellor
We are fortunate to have two fully qualified nurses who work part-time as school Matrons. Their room is located next to the main visitors' entrance to the school building. Their primary responsibilities include ensuring the physical well-being of the children during their day at school, addressing minor injuries, and handling other issues.
A comprehensive medical record is kept on all the children and parents are encouraged to inform the school of any changes that the children might undergo with regard to their medical requirements. If children require medication to be given to them during the day this should be handed in to Matron in a bottle which is clearly labelled with the name of the child and the appropriate dose to be given out. A form giving permission for medication to be administered needs to be completed at the same time.
If children require more serious medical attention then they will be taken to the nearest accident and emergency hospital.
Children are further supported by the introduction of Mental Health First Aiders (MHFA). These are staff members from across the school who have been specifically trained to provide mental health support throughout the school day. This team will help support children with immediate issues and will enable them to seek help from a broad staff base if required.
When pupils reach Years 5 & 6, an onsite counsellor is available, one day a week, to support those pupils who may benefit from counselling. The arrangements for this work on a referral, triage-based process, negotiated between parent/pupil, school and the counsellor, with the counsellor making the final decision on whether a programme of counselling support should be put in place. If specialist support is already being undertaken outside of school, this resource is not available.