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St Piran's Termly School Fees 2024/25

Termly fees - from Easter Term 2025


Early Years - Nursery and Pre-School

5 Full Days, including food

Christmas Term £5,157

Easter & Summer Term £4,727 

Early Years - Reception

Christmas Term £5,523

Easter/Summer Term £5,062 

Lower School (Years 1 and 2)

£5,664 per term

Middle School (Years 3 and 4)

£7,056 per term

Upper School (Years 5 and 6)

£7,963 per term


Termly fees - from Christmas Term 2025


Early Years - Reception

Christmas Term £5,464

Easter & Summer Term £5,009 

Lower School (Years 1 and 2)

£5,604 per term

Middle School (Years 3 and 4)

£6,981 per term

Upper School (Years 5 and 6)

£7,879 per term

*With the exception of Nursery and Pre-School Fees, which are not subject to VAT, all fees are inclusive of VAT. 

* Nursery and Pre-School fees for Christmas Term 2025 onwards will be set in April 2025.

*These fees exclude local authority funding. St Piran's offers EYFS funding for up to 15 hours per week, funded by the local authority from the term after a child's third birthday until the term of their fifth birthday.

*Fees are inclusive of personal accident insurance, all non-residential trips and transport to school matches.

*St Piran’s School accepts Childcare Vouchers and is registered with the Government Tax-Free Childcare Scheme for payment of tuition up until the term of a child’s fifth birthday and thereafter for extracurricular activities. More information is available at

*Parents who wish to pay their school fees on a monthly basis can do so using My School Fee Plan.  


Termly charges for meals/snacks (as applicable)


Reception, Lower and Middle School

£477 per term

Upper School

£517 per term

Special Educational needs tuition (Tutor Point):


Individual tuition

£42.70 per lesson

Paired tuition

£27.35 per lesson

Group tuition

£16.80 per lesson

Music Lessons



£36.60 per lesson


Other Fees

  • A non-returnable registration fee of £150 is payable.
  • On confirmation of acceptance of a place, a deposit of £1000 becomes payable (the first £500 refundable against the first term's fees, the second £500 refundable against fees for the Summer Term of Year 6).
  • Discounts are subject to means testing to be discussed on application.
  • Scholarships, bursaries and discounts are calculated on school fees only.
  • Parents are reminded of the Conditions of Entry, which state that fees must be settled on or before the first day of the term. An administration charge of £25 will be added to the account for each letter of reminder sent to late payers unless special arrangements have previously been agreed with the Bursar.
  • The school is also entitled to apply a surcharge at a rate of 2% per month, calculated on a weekly basis on all monies overdue for payment as well as before any judgement.
  • If a pupil is to be withdrawn, the school must be notified in writing not later than the last day of the pupil's penultimate full term at the school, or a full term’s fees will be charged in lieu. A conditional or provisional notice will only be valid if the school expressly accepts such notice in writing.
  • A charge will be made for extra-curricular activities where outside providers are used.