First week of the Easter Term
News Round-Up: First Week Back at School
Despite the chilly weather, we’ve had a great start to 2025.
This week, activities, instrumental lessons, and LAMDA sessions are already in full swing, offering pupils a range of exciting opportunities. Chapel services for Years 5 and 6 will resume next Friday at 4pm, featuring an engaging programme of visiting speakers, including local senior school Heads.
Our Headmaster’s Awards return next week with a focus on reflection, and Friday’s celebration assembly will once again see children enjoying their moment on the red carpet.
Over the Christmas break, our maintenance team was hard at work keeping the school in top shape. Highlights include a new floor for the Sports Hall and progress in the woodland area, alongside dismantling our festive Christmas lights. Thank you to everyone involved for ensuring our school was ready for the term ahead.
Next week, we will see the return of games fixtures and our first Pupil Parliament meetings of the year. Finally, good luck to everyone participating in the Maidenhead Swimarathon this weekend—go Team St Piran’s!