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About Us

Choosing a school is one of the most important and significant things we can do for our children. At St Piran's, we understand that the first part of your child’s educational career is fundamental, as it's during this time that they develop the skills, knowledge and values that will last a lifetime. We strongly believe ‘The Adventure Starts Here’.

St Piran's offers a warm, friendly and caring environment, stimulating our children with exciting activities from an early age. Our class sizes are small, allowing our committed teaching staff to invest in each child equally, strengthening their natural abilities and uncovering their hidden talents. In addition to pursuing academic and sporting achievements, we encourage children to test themselves in a variety of situations, from leading show-and-tell sessions in Reception, to becoming involved in debating societies and taking part in school productions.

We have four areas of the school:

Early Years

Aged 2 to 5 Years

Nursery - 1 class

Pre-school - 3 classes

Reception - 3 classes

Lower School

Aged 5 to 7 Years

Year 1 - 3 classes

Year 2 - 3 classes

Middle School

Aged 7 to 9 Years

Year 3 - 3 classes

Year 4 - 3 classes

Upper School

Aged 9 to 11 Years

Year 5 - 3 classes

Year 6 - 3 classes